
Exercising Leadership: Foundational Principles

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Exercising Leadership: Foundational Principles
Exercising Leadership: Foundational Principles

Introduction: Navigating the Challenges of Our Time

The present era presents us with a multitude of complex challenges that require adaptive solutions. These challenges affect not only our families and communities but also our organizations and societies at large. It is imperative that we cultivate effective leadership to mobilize people and foster positive change in the face of these crises.

Welcome to this introductory course, where we delve into strategies for leading in a constantly evolving world, characterized by adaptive pressures. We will explore innovative approaches to tackle intricate organizational systems and make thoughtful decisions to address the tasks that lie ahead. Most significantly, we will encourage introspection on how to overcome the leadership challenges that resonate with you the most.

Syllabus: A Roadmap for Adaptive Leadership

Module 1: Gaining Perspective
Identify the Urgent Tasks
Module 2: Expanding Leadership Horizons
Lead with Influence, Beyond Hierarchy
Lead without Formal Authority
Module 3: Taking Strategic Action
Think Politically and Act Purposefully
Build Trust to Enable Collaboration
Harness Conflict to Drive Innovation
Module 4: Cultivating Personal Resilience
Anchoring Yourself Amidst Change
Conclusion: Sustaining Vitality
By enrolling in this course, you will acquire the tools and insights necessary to navigate the challenges of leadership in a rapidly changing world.

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